Category Archives: and More Cats

A Quick Cat Talley Update


BB managed to find a loving home for one of our stray toms, Tiger.  A neighbor took him in and they report they’re getting along fine.  Great news!

But… StarLady the stray had 3 kittens this past week.  So the official talley is (9 – 1) + 3 = 11 unless you do that as an algebra equation, and then I think it would be exponentially different.  But I forgot everything I knew about high school algebra and flunked out of college pre-algebra, so I may be full of beans.

Dinxy, the newest kitty, is doing fine and she and Punky have become fast friends.  They do sort of gang up on poor Pepper the Chihuahua but he’s feisty enough to hold his own even though they outweigh him some.

The other cats got evicted from the bungalow and mama & babies got moved in.  Thank goodness it’s warm or we’d have some logistic issues.  Fortunately the others actually like being outdoors most of the time so we’ve avoided any conflicts thus far.

Fortunately 2 are transient toms and they’ve been around a little less lately.  But Dinxy and StarLady have to both make the trip to get fixed as soon as practical and possible.  I knew I should have started a savings account for kitty fixing a long time ago!  Oh well, it has to be done.

So how many did I say we have now?  11?  Oh my gosh, I think I just crossed into Crazy Cat Lady territory.

Does anyone want a cat?  Hello?  Helloooooo?   Heellloooooooo……   Sigh,………………………….